Monday, December 30, 2013

The Gift of Giving & Change is Good.

When our lovely staffer Alyssa joined us this fall, we learned she planned on donating her gorgeous wavy hair to Locks of Love.  Before the holidays, Alyssa's locks met the scissors!  She looks beautiful, and shares her story here:

My hair laid past my shoulders for years. How, after all this time, could I cut it all off? The
thought of giving up my long locks was at first, incomprehensible. After much consideration, I
took a stance and decided that cutting off my hair was the perfect idea for the new year and an
opportunity to give back- after all, my hair will always grow back.

Locks of Love, is an organization that provides hairpieces for children under the age of
21 that suffer from long-term medical illness's resulting in hair loss. I knew that my hair was the
appropriate length to share and could be of great value to someone else! I was so ready for a
big change, especially one that could help another child! I'm all about being a strong,
independent, and influential woman, and If I could give so little of myself to make such a
positive impact on someone else, I was more than willing to do it!

My new hair has been fantastic! I love the ease and functionality that comes with having
short hair. This was the first time I gave my to locks of love and definitely not the last! I am now
inspired to grow my hair long and give to locks of love again! It's given me a fresh start for 2014 and a confidence that I didn't have before!
- Alyssa

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